martes, 28 de octubre de 2008


Technical secondary education consists of three basic years, during which you're shown the different possible technicals careers you can chose from; and other three high school years. After completing the six years, you graduate as a technician majoring in Automotive mechanics, Aeronautics, Construction, Electricity, Electronics and Information Technology.

During the
first three years (E.S.B.), the students have the following subjects: Science (Chemistry, Biology and Physics), Social Studies (History, Geography and formación ética y ciudadana), English, Language, Maths, P.E., and Technical drawing. They also attend different workshops, where they learn welding, panel beating, foundry, carpentry, and how to use a lathe. Other workshops are: electricity, electronics, construction, automotive mechanics and information technology.

After that three-year period, students can choose from six different specialisations, which will link them to specific areas of industrial and technical work.

  • AUTOMOTIVE MECHANICS: this specialization enables you to design, fix and maintain mechanic, electrical and electronic suspension systems, besides the evaluation of new technologies and the study of special vehicles.

  • AERONAUTICS: design, repair, and maintainance of aircraft and electromechanic and electronic auxiliary equipment. At the end of the third year, you graduate as aircraft maintainance mechanic. When you finish the fourth year, you graduate as an aeronautics technician. This is the only specialization which lasts four years.

  • CONSTRUCTION: the degree of Construction manager allows you to plan, size up, build and direct the building of any kind of civil construction (up to four storeys). You can carry out your work as a freelance constructor in a professional studio, in public administration or shops (construction hardware), teaching or putting up you own construction company.

  • ELECTRICITY: this specialisation enables you to plan, size up, direct and put up low and medium tension electric equipment.
    You will also be able to maintain electronic equipment related to generating energy.

  • ELECTRONICS: Electronics enables you to get into different areas, like assembling your own PC, the world of telecommunications, robotics, TV, sound, lighting, programming, automatization and systems control, or electronics applied to mechanics. In the school labs you will develop your skills for the future through the design, trial and maintainance of circuits, and planning and creating applied electronic systems.

  • INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: analysis, design, programming and use of administrative systems. Hardware and software installation and configuration. Web analysis and design. Multimedia systems and web page development. Technical assesment related to the acqusition of components and equipment.

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